The package supports different algorithms to compute the EN estimate for weighted LS loss functions. Each algorithm has certain characteristics that make it useful for some problems. To select a specific algorithm and adjust the options, use any of the en_***_options functions.


  • en_lars_options(): Use the tuning-free LARS algorithm. This computes exact (up to numerical errors) solutions to the EN-LS problem. It is not iterative and therefore can not benefit from approximate solutions, but in turn guarantees that a solution will be found.

  • en_cd_options(): Use an iterative coordinate descent algorithm which needs \(O(n p)\) operations per iteration and converges sub-linearly.

  • en_admm_options(): Use an iterative ADMM-type algorithm which needs \(O(n p)\) operations per iteration and converges sub-linearly.

  • en_dal_options(): Use the iterative Dual Augmented Lagrangian (DAL) method. DAL needs \(O(n^3 p^2)\) operations per iteration, but converges exponentially.